Thursday, February 14, 2008

Aye, Aye Matey

I have decided that I need to pay tribute to my scrapbooking roots. It wasn't always about card making for me! As a matter of fact, that came much later! While I was looking through my albums for my 'Swiss pages' (see previous post) I found this pirate themed page.

Noah went through quite a pirate phase...although it seems to be tapering off now. I am glad I took the opportunity to document it while it lasted.... Sometimes these moments seem so fleeting.....

Once again, tips for scanning 12x12 scrapbooking pages would be much appreciated!

I had fun creating this pirate ship. I had a little life saver type charm, so that was my starting point. I hand cut a bunch of shapes for the sails and doodled some stitching on them. I used a paper crimper to crimp the paper for the hull of the ship to add some texture. Everything is joined with some raffia-type-wirey-kind-of-stuff. I technical terminology is overwhelming! After that there was a bit of tearing here, and a bit of ink there, and then some hand journalling to finish it off.
This girl is now off to bed to dream of the Swiss countryside......

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